Ice Cream Sandwich Cake

I kind of threw this together on a whim and it may quite possibly be the best dessert I have ever had!  At least the best dessert in Uganda, by far.  So good in fact, we had the wait for the kids to go to bed before we served this one up.  Double servings all around!

Here’s how the magic happened: Our friends had come over for dinner and brought along with them some ice cream bars for dessert.  I just happened to have an extra chocolate sheet cake left over from a three layer cake I was working on for my daughter’s birthday the next day.  The cake and ice cream were sitting next to each other on the counter, also next to a jar of cream cheese.  Light bulb:  Put them all together!  Now that I am writing it it doesn’t seem so spectacular, but in the moment it was pretty monumental.  You’ll just have to take my word for it and see for yourself.


  • 1 chocolate sheet cake
  • 4-5 chocolate covered vanilla ice cream bars
  • 8 oz cream cheese
  • 1 cup powdered sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
  • dash of milk

Carefully cut the chocolate sheet cake in half so that you will have two pieces the same size as the pan.  It is easier to slice if the chocolate cake is completely cooled, even refrigerated for a few hours before.  Place one half of the cake in the bottom of a baking dish.  Unwrap the ice cream bars and mash them together in a small bowl until softened.  Spread the ice cream mixture on top of the cake, then layer with the other piece of chocolate cake.  To make the icing, mix together the cream cheese, powdered sugar, vanilla and a dash of milk.  Spread on top of the layer of cake.  Cover with foil and place in freezer for at least 1 hour. Cut into squares like cutting a cake and serve.


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