
The first author was Andrea Kroeze. Here’s how she got started writing about cooking in Gulu: I have been living in Uganda, Africa for over three years.  The first six months all my husband and I ate was rice, beans and stews made with the same spices.  I was thoroughly disappointed and scared that this would become my main diet day after day for the next however long I was living in Africa.

Thankfully, I learned that though the culinary possibilities seemed scarce, they were in fact unlimited!  With fresh produce and seasonal fruits and vegetables at such easy reach, cooking has become a delight.  Though I still get into kitchen ruts figuring out what to make for my growing family, I have enjoyed cooking with new foods, learning different techniques, and experimenting with lots of things made from scratch.

This blog is an avenue for me to continue to develop my passion for cooking and to share some of my favorite or new recipes with others, specifically those living in East Africa who are also feeling tired of the same ol’ local food and want to expand their horizons.  Surprisingly, one of the many lessons I have learned from living in Africa has been the joy of cooking…now I am hoping to pass on that joy to you!

The current author is Abby Rattin.

I’m thrilled to have a way of sharing what I’ve learned with others who want to feed their families well in a setting with less than consistent ingredient availability, limited refrigeration, and making everything from scratch! I’m a missionary doctor, wife, and mom to five unique children. And I recently realized that cooking has become my hobby!! We’ve lived in Gulu, Uganda for over 3 years and I’ve learned quite a few things in that time… With MUCH more to learn!

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