Posted by Andrea

Black Bean & Corn Soup

Black Bean & Corn Soup

I have never really been much of a bean eater.  However, living in Africa there isn’t really a way of getting around eating beans.  Thankfully we came across some black beans, which are like the best kind of beans if one is going to be eating beans, and have found various ways to prepare them.  … Continue reading

Ice Cream Sandwich Cake

Ice Cream Sandwich Cake

I kind of threw this together on a whim and it may quite possibly be the best dessert I have ever had!  At least the best dessert in Uganda, by far.  So good in fact, we had the wait for the kids to go to bed before we served this one up.  Double servings all … Continue reading

Pressure Cooker Beef Stew

Pressure Cooker Beef Stew

This whole pressure cooker business is extremely new to me.  We “inherited” a pressure cooker with the house we moved into in Gulu but the seal was missing.  I wasn’t really planning on using it until I heard so many of my friends talking about how much they use their pressure cookers.  After a little … Continue reading

Tangy Cabbage Salad

Tangy Cabbage Salad

I’ll be honest.  I never really ate cabbage until moving to Uganda.  I am also not a coleslaw lover because I don’t particularly like mayonnaise.  So venturing into a world of cabbage salads was a bit of a process for me, but eventually because it is just so cheap and plentiful here, I had to … Continue reading

Cinnamon Bread Loaf

Cinnamon Bread Loaf

My hubby has been bugging me to start baking bread for months now.  For some reason, the task seemed daunting to me and I was nervous to try.  But when this came out of the oven, I seriously was dumbfounded and astonished. Did I just really bake this bread at home, by myself?  Perhaps some … Continue reading

Lentil Quesadillas

Lentil Quesadillas

I have tried toying around with lentils but still haven’t nailed anything quite yet.  The dried lentils have always had a strange smell, at least to me anyway.  Perhaps one day I will do some more experimenting.  Until then, here are some great canned lentils that can be found in our lovely capital city of … Continue reading

Chicken Pot Pie

Chicken Pot Pie

The real reason for learning how to make some “Never Fail” Pie Crust is for some ultimate comfort food like this Chicken Pot Pie.  This is another one of those recipes that is not easy for me to pin point in exact ingredients or amounts as most of it is just kind of thrown into … Continue reading