Filed under Odds and Ends

Lentil Quesadillas

Lentil Quesadillas

I have tried toying around with lentils but still haven’t nailed anything quite yet.  The dried lentils have always had a strange smell, at least to me anyway.  Perhaps one day I will do some more experimenting.  Until then, here are some great canned lentils that can be found in our lovely capital city of … Continue reading

Never Fail Pie Crust

This pie crust recipe comes from the Amish.  If you know anything about the Amish, then you know that they know their pie.  So “never fail” sounds about right. Makes 4 – 9″ pie shells Ingredients: 3 cups flour 1 teaspoon salt 1-1/4 cup shortening 1 egg, beaten 1/3 cup cold water 1 Tablespoon vinegar … Continue reading

Go-To Pizza Crust

Go-To Pizza Crust

This is my go-to pizza crust.  It is a bit on the thicker side so it serves up to be a pretty hearty meal.  It can be made without any raise time on the dough if you are short on time, although certainly the more time you allow for the dough to rise the better … Continue reading

Basic Tomato Sauce

This is my go-to tomato sauce recipe for pastas.  It can easily be adapted by adding ground sausage or beef or meatballs! I made about a dozen batches that I froze in gallon zip-lock bags when we had a huge supply of ripe tomatoes during the season.  Nothing better than taking out a bag of … Continue reading

Pizza Sauce

A few months back my hubby came home with three sacks of ripe tomatoes he got at an incredible price in Luwero on the way home to Gulu from Kampala.  We made a weekend of it and stocked up on tomato sauce for pasta, salsa and this pizza sauce.  We canned the sauce, so when … Continue reading

BBQ Chicken Pineapple Quesadillas

BBQ Chicken Pineapple Quesadillas

Inspired by my favorite Pioneer Woman! Ingredients: 1/2 chicken, shredded 1 cup BBQ sauce 1 cup chopped pineapple handful of green onions, sliced handful of cilantro 2 cups shredded cheese salt and pepper to taste flour tortillas I had some frozen chicken breasts saved in the freezer from our last trip to Kampala. But you … Continue reading