Filed under Seasonal

Basic Tomato Sauce

This is my go-to tomato sauce recipe for pastas.  It can easily be adapted by adding ground sausage or beef or meatballs! I made about a dozen batches that I froze in gallon zip-lock bags when we had a huge supply of ripe tomatoes during the season.  Nothing better than taking out a bag of … Continue reading

Pizza Sauce

A few months back my hubby came home with three sacks of ripe tomatoes he got at an incredible price in Luwero on the way home to Gulu from Kampala.  We made a weekend of it and stocked up on tomato sauce for pasta, salsa and this pizza sauce.  We canned the sauce, so when … Continue reading

Papaya Smoothie

Papaya Smoothie

While I am not particularly crazy about paw paw (papaya), this is one of my favorite smoothies!  So, since our paw paw tree gave us these four lovely ladies this week, it was time to get the blender out today! Ingredients: 2 cups semi-frozen papaya* 1 cup milk 2 teaspoons vanilla extract 1 Tablespoon sugar … Continue reading

Mango Pineapple Cocktail

Mango Pineapple Cocktail

Now things are getting exciting over here… Ingredients: 2 cups mango puree, semi-frozen 4 cups of pineapple juice 4 oz. rum 2 Tablespoons simple syrup (sugar dissolved in just a small bit of hot water) Blend together, pour, put the kids to bed and enjoy the evening 😉 Serves 4 -6. // //

Creamy Coconut Mango Bars

During my search for ‘all things mango’ to fix my dilemma, I came across this recipe.  It had to be adapted a bit to cater to what we have available here in Uganda.  Just had to take a little taste test bite and it’s very yummy! Ingredients: Coconut Crust 1 cup flour 1/2 cup shredded … Continue reading

Mango Butter

Mango Butter

Enough with the nasty Zesta – it’s Mango Butter time! Jesse’s family has a tradition to make applesauce and apple butter together each fall.  Since apples are in short supply here, we tried out this recipe with mangoes last year and it was phenomenal!  Mango season is of course the best time to do this … Continue reading

Mango Smoothie

A simple, refreshing treat for a hot day – and a great way to use up some of those mangoes! Ingredients: 1 bag (440g) of vanilla yogurt* 1- 1/2 cups of mango puree 1 Tablespoon sugar or honey a pinch of cardamom Blend together, pour and enjoy!  Makes about 4 servings. *Since yogurt is not … Continue reading

Mango Breakfast Muffins

Mango Breakfast Muffins

Here is another recipes for all the mangoes you don’t know what to do with! This is a conglomeration of a few different mango muffin and bread recipes that I tried out.  I think the final product is pretty tasty and would make a great breakfast treat with a cup of spiced chai. Ingredients: 1 … Continue reading