Filed under Soups

Black Bean & Corn Soup

Black Bean & Corn Soup

I have never really been much of a bean eater.  However, living in Africa there isn’t really a way of getting around eating beans.  Thankfully we came across some black beans, which are like the best kind of beans if one is going to be eating beans, and have found various ways to prepare them.  … Continue reading

Semolina Bread & Creamy Tomato Soup

Semolina Bread & Creamy Tomato Soup

Every once in a while the storms roll in, a little chill enters the air and it feels like the perfect night for soup.  Those type of nights don’t come often here in Gulu, so when they do I really want to enjoy something special. Last week during a monthly visit to Kampala I stumbled … Continue reading

Split Pea Soup

After a weekend butchering, there are always plenty of ham bones left over.  Perfect excuse to make soup!  While Split Pea Soup is not really my favorite, my husband LOVES it.  Oh, what I do for my man! Ingredients: 3 cups of dried peas (soaked for at least 2 hours but preferably longer)* 1/2 cup … Continue reading