Filed under Veggies

Tangy Cabbage Salad

Tangy Cabbage Salad

I’ll be honest.  I never really ate cabbage until moving to Uganda.  I am also not a coleslaw lover because I don’t particularly like mayonnaise.  So venturing into a world of cabbage salads was a bit of a process for me, but eventually because it is just so cheap and plentiful here, I had to … Continue reading

Italian Vegetable Pasta

Some friends dropped by last night and I needed a quick meal that would feed quite a few mouths. As long as you have all the ingredients (many of which are staple items you probably have on hand), this is really easy to throw together in a hurry but tastes like it was thoughtfully planned … Continue reading

Creamed Corn

Creamed Corn

I made this this other night with a dinner of roasted chicken and stuffing.  It was so creamy and a lovely compliment to the other dishes on the table.  Usually it would be made with some heavy cream, but that isn’t always so easy to come by in these parts, so I made a few … Continue reading